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Robotic Dolls May Do Housework?

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Does the robot have its own sexual desire?
Does a sex robot just turn a woman into a text object? Some people think that sex dolls are a lifeline of loneliness and strangeness. But is this simple? A new documentary meets with some early adopters.

How much is a sex robot? A personalized robot can cost tens of thousands of pounds. However, cheaper models are also available in the growing market. With the widespread use of technology, the price of silicone sex doll is expected to decline, increasing their use.

“This is a completely wrong argument,” he said. “No one said that men should have real women. Now you must have a D cup sex doll, otherwise you have to pay for it. But this is the best she gets. Argument?!"

"This technology is happening, whether we like it or not," said Dr. Lin, one of the conference's scholars. The ultimate goal is to let her do housework, such as opening the dishwasher. “We let customers marry their dolls and say that we saved their lives because they feel that they have nothing to live after their spouse dies or ends.”

It allows users to experience a range of virtual blowjobs on the live sex cam site. The "Cam Girl" is basically a smashed vibrating dildo to collect sensory data. The user then wears a sleeve that connects to the Internet, or "fleshlight," which takes the same sensory data from the cam girl's dildo. Users can select different models based on user comments.

He is skeptical about the idea that the doll and robot markets will be completely equal. “I am waiting to see male robots,” she said. “One thing about these items is that their main market is gay. This is part of the whole paranoia surrounding liberal feminism: liberation means pornography or use of men. Prostitute. It never happened, is it?"

This living room in London will bring you a doll for £50 for half an hour and £130 for two hours. Many experts who study this trend say that sex robots are a good idea, or at least represent an exciting opportunity. Doctors have said before that such robots mean that every lonely or miserable person will now have someone.

He is a senior lecturer in the computer science department, working in the field of human-computer interaction and artificial intelligence. “Individually,” she said to the audience at the Sex Robot Conference: “Let my daughter marry a robot, I will be fine.”

The manufacturer claims that she can “seize” because her face, hands, breasts and “female genitals below” are equipped with sensors and therefore require a more subtle approach than her ancestors. The creator of the doll even said that she can find good people because she has a "moral code."

Robotic psychologists once said: "We must consider whether robots have their own sexual desires and the factors that motivate them." If the ultimate goal is to create autonomous robots that can think and feel independently, then humans maintain power in these relationships. The possibilities are quite small. ”

Sex robots are very realistic and have built-in heaters to create a warm feeling. They also have sensors that react to your touch. A company even developed a head that can talk, smile and sing for its robotic dolls, while sex doll are the first to provide "emotional connections."

"I tell you what I like to do - it sounds weird - I like to bring dolls," he said. Anyway, what does the TPE sex doll offer him? His answer to this question seems to be very convincing.

As early as 2007, he predicted in his book that by 2050 people will often dance with robots without pants. At an international conference of the University in 2016, he and other scholars agreed that this trend will develop and develop rapidly.

What are robotic dolls, and whether there are sexual robot brothels in Paris and Italy, what is their price? Robots are maturing, and manufacturers claim that customers are working with them to "the future model of this technology comes from the sex industry," she told me. “They have been insisting on the idea that women are objects – Asians.”

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